服务香港教育41年的“常青树”An Evergreen Tree Serving Hong Kong Education for 41 Years 毕业于香港中文大学,主修物理、副修数学,获理学学士学位Graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong with a Bachelor of Sciencedegree, major in Physics and minor in Mathematics 拥有香港大学教育文凭,英国诺丁汉大学教育硕士学位Holds a Diploma in Education from the University of Hong Kong and Master ofEducation from the University of Nottingham, UK 曾在迦密柏雨中学任教16年,该校已发展成为香港大埔区顶尖名校He taught for 16 years at Carmel Pak U Secondary School, which has grown to become atop school in Tai Po district, Hong Kong 曾带领创办浸信会永隆中学,担任创校校长19年·首创“绿色中学,的办学特色,在校内首推环境教育,获环保教育奖He was the founding principal of Baptist Wing Lung Secondary School for 19 years. Theschool was being honored with prestigious "Green Secondary Award”, the first of its kindin Hong Kong. The school is also committed in sustainability education and has receivednumerous awards and recognition for its outstanding contribution in this field 曾任香港培正中学校长,在任期间致力推动学生参与科学研究,创立“红蓝科研先锋,计划,带领学生远赴北极参与科研工作,学生积极参与香港及国际数理及科学比赛,获无数He was the Principal of Hong Kong Pui Ching Middle School. During his tenure, he wascommitted to fostering students’engagement in scientific research. He pioneered thegroundbreaking"PC Science Pioneer"programme, which provided students with theextraordinary opportunity to take part in scientific research expeditions in the ArcticFurthermore, students enthusiastically participated in various mathematics, science,and technology competitions, both locally and internationally, resulting in an impressivecollection of accolades and awards 曾任香港林大辉中学校长,致力推动培育香港的体坛精英,任内男女子篮球队都能打进香港学界精英赛体育成绩在沙田区名列前矛He was the Principal of Lam Tai Fai Secondary School in Hong Kong, and was committed to nurturingof Hong Kong sports elite. During his tenure, both the boys’and girls’basketball teams were ableto enter the Hong Kong Schools Elite Competition, and its sports overall results ranked among the topin Sha Tin District, Hong Kong 毕业于香港大学,主修数学、获理学学士学位·拥有香港大学教育文凭、香港中文大学理学硕士、教育硕士学位Graduated from the University of Hong Kong with a Bachelor of Science degree.majoring in Mathematics. He holds a Diploma in Education from the Universityof Hong Kong, a Master of Science and a Master of Education from the ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong 赖永春校长是玛丽诺中学校友,为回馈母校,大学毕业后回校服务共37年当中22年担任校长,近年更带领学校成功申请新校舍,并于2022年9月入住全新校舍Headmaster Lai is an alumnus of Mary knoll Secondary School. In order to giveback to his alma mater, he returned to the school after graduating from universityto serve for a total of 37 years , of which 22 years as headmaster, and in recent yearshe has led the school to successfully apply for a new campus which was completedin September 2022 赖校长在教育科技、AI人工智能应用于教育等领域有卓越的业界研究和成绩Headmaster Lai has excellent research and achievements in the field of educationtechnology and Al in education 赖校长在香港曾担任多项公职,当中包括香港学界体育联会董事会成员,对外体育委员会主席,观塘区学校联会主席,观塘区扑灭罪行委员会委员等职务·现任九龙地域校长联会副主席、观塘区防火委员会教育工作小组召集人,牌照上诉委员会委员等公职He used to hold a number of public offices in Hong Kong, including Board Member ofthe Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation, Chairman of the External School SportsCommittee, Chairman of the Kwun Tong Schools Liaison Committee, Member of KwunTong District Fight Crime Committee. Currently, he is Vice-Chairman of the KowloonDistrict School Heads Association, Education Working Group Leader of the Kwun TongDistrict Fire Safety Committee and a member of the Licensing Appeal Board Panel 曾任佛山伊顿外籍人员子女学校中方校长 Former Local Principal of Foshan Etonhouse International School 曾任多所剑桥国际学校执行校长及考官 Former Executive Principal at multiple Cambridge International School campus and Exam Officer 具有丰富的K-12学校创办和管理运营经验,熟悉HKDSE、A-Level、 IB等国际课程体系 Experienced in founding and running K12 international schools, with insightful knowledge of HKDSE, A-Level, and IB curriculum framework 20年国际教育及管理经验 20 years of international education and management experience 毕业于香港教育大学,获英国语文教育荣誉学士学位Graduated from the Hong Kong University of Education with aBachelor of Arts (Hons) in English Language Education 拥有香港教育大学国际教育领导与变革行政人员文学硕士学位Holds an Executive Master of Arts in International EducationalLeadership and Change from the Hong Kong University of Education 拥有IB领导力实践和高级领导力研究证书资历Holds IB Certificate qualifications in Leadership Practice and AdvanceoLeadership Studies 香港教学及管理经验23年以上Over 23 years of teaching and management experience in Hong Kong 曾任教于香港大埔某中学9年,带领学校获得启发潜能教育学校(I.E School)认证,并荣获启发潜能老师奖Taught in a secondary school in Tai Po, Hong Kong for 9 years, leading theschool to achieve l.E School accreditation and winning the l.E Teacher Awaro 曾于香港直资一条龙IB 学校任职领导岗位12年,带领学校获得IB授权 (PYPMYP、DP ) 及评估,参与搭建香港DSE与IB框架的融合课程。 12-year leadership experience in a DSS through-train IB world school in Hong Kongleading the school to obtain IB authorization (PYP MYP DP) and go through theirfirst evaluation. She also led the team to develop the integrated Hong Kong curriculum with the IB frameworks 教育管理硕士学位 M.Ed EMBA UTSA EMBA(USA) 剑桥国际学校考官 Cambridge International School Exam Officer 27年教学管理经验 27 years of teaching management experience 曾任多家国际学校管理团队成员 Member of the management team of International school 加拿大Alberta省IB学校教学管理团队成员 Member of the teaching management team IB School in Alberta, Canada 国内某省级高级中学教学副校长 Deputy head of senior middle school in China 亚洲城市大学工商管理硕士 Master of Business Administration, City University of Asia 广州大学汉语言文学学士 Bachelor of Chinese Language and Literature, Guangzhou University 现任香港维港教育集团总裁助理、广州暨大港澳子弟学校校办主任 Assistant to the President of Vthedu, Director of School Office of ASJ 曾任某香港上市公司集团办公室主任,某新加坡上市公司董事长秘书 Once was Director of the Group Office of a listed company in Hong Kong and Secretary to the Chairman of a listed company in Singapore 获得中学语文教师证书,具有中学语文教学经验 Qualification Certificate of Senior Middle School in Chinese and has the teaching experience in Chinese |