小学部主任 杨瓅眉
英国纽卡斯尔大学 跨文化交流及国际管理硕士 英国桑德兰大学 人力资源硕士文凭 英国人力资源CIPD membership 培生PTE少儿英语能力考试 认证口语考官 国际少儿英语教师资格及国际高级英语教师资格 16年K12国际教育管理经验 武汉光谷为明实验学校国际部主任和英语教学副主任 带领学生获得美国五项全能比赛团体金牌和个人金牌 武汉外国语学校国际高中 资深升学顾问 指导的学生成功申请牛津大学和剑桥大学 PYP协调员 江一平
18 年双语及 IB 国际教育与学术管理经验
国际文凭组织 IBEN 官方认证 PYP 项目培训官
曾是国内大型上市教育集团连锁学校的国际部创始人之一并带领团队获得IB PYP项目授权
培养了众多就读于普林斯顿、剑桥、帝国理工、UCL等世界常春藤名校的优秀学生 初中部主任 张彦坤
中学部教学主任 金燕燕
IB MYP协调员 11年国际教育教学经验与管理经验;曾带领学校实现MYP授权 广东省优秀教师 IB中国区年会分论坛主讲人 广东省教研院《国际化课程实施》课题主持人 ![]()
高中部主任 周晓鹏 伦敦大学学院,伦敦大学女王学院双硕士 专业英语8级,雅思8分,剑桥雅思官方培训师 任教于伦敦大学女王学院,5年教育团队管理经验 剑桥大学英语教学能力证书 2018年英国女王企业革新奖成员 8年国际教育从业经验,熟悉A-level,AP,DSE等国际课程体系 DSE学术主任 林海丽 1993-1996 香港大学文学院(荣誉文学士) 1999-2001 香港大学教育文凭(中国语文教育) 2001-2003 香港中文大学教育硕士(中国语文教育) 2005-2007 香港中文大学文学硕士(文化管理) 1996-2006 26年香港中学教学经验,担任高级学位老师和语文科科主任 1998-2021 担任香港考评局全港系统性评估(TSA)、中学会考、中化科、中学文凭试各分卷阅卷员以及中学文凭试(卷四)助理试卷主席(AE)兼试场主任 担任香港教育局课程发展处(CDI)教科书评审委员会成员 2008-2021 担任香港考评局中学文凭试语文科校本评核(SBA)分区统筹员 2024-2026 担任香港教育大学中国语言学系中文学与教协作网络计划顾问 学生发展中心主任 郑伟 17年国际/国际化学校学生管理经验 曾任职于“福布斯中国十大杰出国际化学校” 十余年 中小学校长联合会“学生发展指导师” “USAD全美学术十项全能竞赛”优秀指导教练 国家体育总局“国家健身教练” Faculty Profile The school currently has a team of nearly 200 outstanding teachers from all over the world, with a teacher-student ratio of 1:6, nearly 80% of teachers with postgraduate qualifications or above, and an average of nearly 8 years of teaching experience. All teachers have received training in the IB International Baccalaureate Programme or the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Programme and the DSE Examination, and have a wealth of experience in teaching in schools and subject teaching. Chinese teachers (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan teachers) are proficient in Mandarin and English, and most of them can communicate in Cantonese. Our foreign teachers are mainly from native English-speaking countries such as the UK, USA, Australia and Canada, and all have a bachelor's degree or above and hold a teaching qualification.
Our faculty is made up of outstanding educators from all over the world, who have not only accumulated rich practical experience in the field of teaching, but also possess deep academic attainments and excellent cross-cultural communication skills, and are able to provide all-round, multi-perspective learning support for students, not only imparting knowledge, but also focusing on stimulating creativity and critical thinking, guiding them to explore the unknown, bravely pursuing their dreams, and ultimately, achieving diversified success. We guide them to explore the unknown and bravely pursue their dreams, so that they can ultimately achieve a diversified path to success.
Graduated from: Peking University, Beijing Normal University, Sun Yat-sen University, Wuhan University, Xiamen University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, South China University of Technology, South China Normal University, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou University, Jinan University; Purdue University, George Washington University, University College London, Queen Mary University of London, Nanyang Technological University, University of Manchester, University of Southampton, University of Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, University of Southampton, University of Hong Kong, University of Hong Kong, University of Hong Kong, University of Hong Kong. The University of Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, The Hong Kong Baptist University, The Hong Kong University of Education, and so on. |