We are delighted to announce that a number of our students have achieved outstanding results in the


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袋鼠数学思维趣味活动由澳大利亚著名数学家 Peter O’Halloran 于1980 年发起。1991年,法国两位著名数学教育家成立正式活动组委会并在全世界推广该项活动,为了向 Peter O’Halloran 致敬,将该活动取名为“袋鼠数学”。

不同于传统奥数强调的高难度和挑战性,袋鼠数学思维趣味活动宗旨是用有趣生动、接近生活的题目,激发孩子们数学学习兴趣及自信,培养学生数学思维,训练学生阅读、理解、分析和解决问题能力,适合各年级各种数学水平同学。因此,袋鼠数学思维挑战逐步风靡世界,成为全球极具影响力的青少年国际数学思维挑战赛,全球87个国家和地区举办、每年超过 630万名学生参加。

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We are delighted to announce that a number of our students have achieved outstanding results in the Math Kangaroo. Excellent results cannot be achieved without the dedication and hard work of teachers and students. ASJ has always been committed to a personalised education model that focuses on developing students' ability to use mathematical thinking to solve practical problems.

Congratulations to the following award winners! May you all continue your efforts and write new chapters.

About Math Kangaroo

Maths Kangaroo was initiated in 1980 by the famous Australian mathematician Peter O'Halloran, and in 1991, two famous French mathematics educators set up an official organising committee to promote the event around the world. In tribute to Peter O'Halloran, the event was named Maths Kangaroo.

Unlike traditional Olympiads which emphasise high levels of difficulty and challenge, Maths Kangaroo is designed to inspire children to learn mathematics with fun, lively and life-like topics, to develop their mathematical thinking, and to train them to read, understand, analyse and solve problems at all levels of mathematics. As a result, Maths Kangaroo has become the world's most influential international mathematical thinking challenge for young people, with more than 6.3 million students participating each year in 87 countries and territories worldwide.


Editor Echo Huang



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