“四海同胞皆兄弟,念念不忘是国家”——刘靳丽娟校长| 庆祝香港特别行政区成立二十五周年庆典活动(三)演讲友谊赛


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But behind its glamor and glory is another brighter unsung story: it’s the sweat of its people, the exclamations of solidarity in times of trouble, the culmination of toil and tears etched in every moment of history.



In times of crisis, China spares no effort to defuse tensions and restore faith in its people. She is our mother, nurturing and protecting her 1.4 billion children with everything she can.


紅旗飄揚在每一個平凡的日子裡,任由時代如何更替,我們的山河永遠蔥郁,我生於 華夏之土,終要長成華夏之木!








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On 17 June 2022, the celebration of the “25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. (HKSAR) - Speech Contest” was successfully held at ASJ. The theme of the contest was "Hong Kong: My Pearl of the Orient" and "My Home is in China." It was conducted in the format of "Biliterate and Trilingual." The event was organised in collaboration with the prestigious Diocesan Girls' School (DGS) in Hong Kong. We invited Prof Zhao Wen, Dean of the College of Foreign Studies of JNU; Mrs Stella Kun Lai-Kuen LAU, SBS, JP, the Principal of DGS, Mr Lucas Deng, Executive Director of ASJ School Board;  Mr Cheng King Leung, Chief Principle of ASJ to attend the event, together with students and teachers from ASJ and DGS.

In his opening speech, Mr Cheng said that the contest would not only enable students to feel the connection between Hong Kong and the motherland, but also strengthen their pride as Chinese. He also encouraged students to enhance their Mandarin, Cantonese and English abilities, and to make their own contributions to the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and the peaceful reunification of the motherland.

During the speech, ASJ student Luo Yan Chi and DGS student Lau Hiu Yin gave speeches on the theme of “ Hong Kong: My Pearl of the Orient.” Miss Luo started with the song “Pearl of the Orient,” and she took the audience through the history of Hong Kong as a colony and its role in the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. She expressed her excitement at the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China and her belief that the Pearl of the Orient will always shine brightly. Miss Lau explained her vision of Hong Kong from the perspective of a new generation. She believed that after the reunification with the motherland, Hong Kong's status as an international financial centre had been consolidated and the rights and interests of Hong Kong people have been protected. Hong Kong has a prosperous economy, a stable environment and international education. Among the many cities in China, Hong Kong exudes a unique vitality and plays an important role as a "super contact". She feels fortunate to have grown up in the new era of Hong Kong, and she has set her sights on serving her country in the future.



But behind its glamor and glory is another brighter unsung story: it’s the sweat of its people, the exclamations of solidarity in times of trouble, the culmination of toil and tears etched in every moment of history.


Wang Yuwei from ASJ and Lee Tsz Wai from DGS spoke on the theme of "My Home is in China." Miss Lee used the meaning of “home” throughout the speech and she gave the example of the Central Government's full support to Hong Kong in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. She expressed her deep feelings about the relationship between the Mainland and Hong Kong. At the same time, she also explained the role Hong Kong played in the development of our country's 14th Five-Year Plan. Miss Wang was the last to take to the stage. She took a historical perspective of the 5,000 years of Chinese history and culture as well as the great rivers and mountains of the Motherland. Miss Wang then used Yuan Longping, the Father of Hybrid Rice, and Wang Xiangjun, the Tibetan King of Adventurers, as examples to praise the self-improvement of the Chinese people. She believed that together we would write a new chapter on the road of development.

In times of crisis, China spares no effort to defuse tensions and restore faith in its people. She is our mother, nurturing and protecting her 1.4 billion children with everything she can.


紅旗飄揚在每一個平凡的日子裡,任由時代如何更替,我們的山河永遠蔥郁,我生於 華夏之土,終要長成華夏之木!


Mrs Stella Lau concluded the competition by saying that only when students have truly mastered the skills of "biliteracy and trilingualism" will they be able to grasp more opportunities and create greater achievements in the Greater Bay Area. She encouraged students to take responsibility and to develop a sense of selflessness and contribution to our country. She expressed that more inter-school activities will be held in the future, and students from both schools will be able to build on each other's strengths and move forward together.

▲Mrs Stella Lau and her workmate

In the end, Luo Yan Chi of ASJ and Lau Hiu Yin of DGS were awarded the title of “Best Speaker.” The awards were presented by Prof Zhao Wen and Mrs Stella Lau to the winners.

▲The awards were presented by Prof Zhao to the winners

Can't Wait to Review!

(Click the pictures to enjoy the performance)

Author: ASJ School Office




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