20221117 A Letter to ParentsDear Parents, We hope this letter finds you well. Instructions on fees of ECA courses, food and boarding during distance learning: The ECA course in ASJ adopts the pay-per-use method, that is, a fee is only charged if the student has taken the class; no fees will be incurred when there are no ECA courses conducted during distance learning period; There are currently lots of uncertainties during this epidemic period. To fulfill the requirements of Guangzhou Education Bureau, ASJ has carried out online teaching for G1-G12 students and suspended kindergarteners from returning to school. But this does not mean that ASJ has stopped operating, expenses such as rent, salaries of faculty and staff are still incurred every month. For kindergartens, we will refund the tuition fees that incurred during distance learning. For school-age groups, regarding the concerns on students’ fees on food, boarding and school bus during distance learning, we will fully consider them and give detailed responses by the end of this semester. Thank you for your understanding. Based on local authorities’ requirements, in order to better achieve accurate epidemic prevention and control and response rapidly, parents are requested to scan the following QR code and fill in detailed home address. Thank you for your understanding and support, as well as your contribution to epidemic prevention. Let us join hands together to build a safe and healthy campus for children, we sincerely hope to see everyone back to campus soon. Affiliated School of JNU |