20221210 Notice on Offline Teaching Resumption

Dear Parents, Students, and Teachers,

Recently, the temperature in Guangzhou has dropped sharply and it is freezing cold outside, but the expectation of fighting epidemic and bringing society back to normal is fervent. After a month-long online class period, Municipal Education Bureau has officially announced the notice on offline teaching resumption. We have fully prepared to welcome students back to our beautiful campus with great joy. We would like to express our sincere appreciation for parents’ understanding and support in online class period. Meanwhile, in order to ensure everyone’s health and safety, students and parents, please follow the instructions below to better fulfill current requirements on offline teaching resumption.

According to local authorities’ announcements updated on Dec 9th, starting from Dec 12th (Monday), ASJ will resume normal offline teaching for G11 and G12, these students return to school on a voluntary basis. Boarding students should return to school after 16:30 on Dec 11th (Sunday). Day students should attend school before 8:00 on Dec 12th (Monday). The other school-age groups suspend from returning to school.

We have arranged homeroom teachers of G11 and G12 to further communicate with parents to identify students’ willingness on returning to school, will make corresponding teaching arrangements based on the actual data.

Students, teachers, and staff who return to school must have a 48-hour negative nucleic acid test status. From 14:00 to 17:00 on Dec 10th, a nucleic acid test will be officially held in each district. Students, teachers, and parents, please follow the instructions to complete a nucleic acid test nearby in designated time slot.

Meanwhile, all teachers, students, parents, and staff must stay vigilant, everyone should strictly fulfill the requirement of journey between home and school only, avoid visiting risk areas, report relevant pandemic information and monitor personal health conditions, get vaccinated in time, pay attention to hand hygiene and wear masks properly, maintain a social distance of at least 1 meter, ventilate frequently,and reduce gatherings.

Based on the gist of ‘The Prevention and Control of Coronavirus Pneumonia (9thEdition) and ‘The Twenty Optimization Measures’, in future epidemic prevention and control work, personal protection will play an important role, everyone is the ‘focal point’ for his/her own health. According to expert advice, vaccination is an important way to strengthen self-protection and build a herd immunity. Meanwhile,as the weather is getting colder and the influenza virus also enters a seasonallyactive period, there is a superimposed infection risk of covid and influenza. To minimise the harm caused by these infections, it is highly recommended that all parents, students, teachers, and staff should get vaccinated based on their actual needs.

While waiting for school resumption, we look forward to seeing everyone back to campus, and we have made the following preparations:

1. Build a solid logistics support network

Since school entered static management, the logistics department has immediately mobilised medical security, canteens, supplies, and disinfection personnel to ensure that all dishes are fresh, nutritious, and varied, the campus environment is clean and safe. The logistics department has also stocked enough food, medicine, medical equipment, etc., and has carried out comprehensive disinfection in key areas, including classrooms, canteens, toilets, bathrooms, and stairs, and has carried out comprehensive inspections on water, electricity, gas, heating, fire protection, and food safety on campus, to build a strong safeguard for school resumption.

2. Place long-acting disinfection products

We would like to thank the enthusiastic parents for donating long-acting disinfection products and services suitable for various pandemic viruses. We have sprayed all classroom walls in the primary school with new long-lasting antibacterial and antiviral coatings. And we have placed chlorine dioxide air disinfection gel devicesin all classrooms and student dormitories to maximise students’ safety at school.

Thank you for your understanding and support. We believe that where flowers bloom, so does hope; and we will win in the end!

PS. It is acceptable for students to take online classes at home if they cannotcomplete a nucleic acid test. Students can return to school until their 48-hour negative nucleic acid test status are available.

Affiliated School of JNU for Hong Kong & Macao Students

Dec 10th, 2022



1. 对正处于隔离治疗期的新冠病毒感染者(确诊病例、无症状感染者)、疑似病例,以及隔离期未满的密切接触者,或返校前 5 天内有国内高风险区旅居史的,或 8 天内有境外(含港台)旅居史的,或健康码为红、黄码的,或有发热等症状的师生员工,暂不返校。其他学生以自愿为原则,返校开展线下教学。

2. 返校的师生员工(不含已封闭在校的师生员工),需持 48 小时核酸阴性证明进入校园。为此,各区为返校复课的师生员工 12 月 10 日 14 时-17 时,开设核酸检测专场(详见“12 月 10 日全市高三、高二师生返校核酸专场点位安排”),就近为有需要的师生员工提供核酸检测。参加核酸检测准备和要求:高三、高二学生凭学生证或穿校服或身份证(符合年龄段)等证明入校,教职工一律凭工作证(证明)到就近检测点参与核酸检测。

3. 所有师生员工每日返校前进行健康自查,倡导返校前进行新冠病毒抗原检测,如出现发热等症状或抗原检测阳性的,不得返校/返岗。师生员工尽量家-校“两点一线”。除体育活动、睡觉、进食等,所有教职员工和中小学生均须佩戴外科口罩,幼儿园幼儿可不佩戴口罩。

4. 学生进校门需测温,教职员工进校门需核验身份并扫码、测温,异常者不得入校。外来人员需核验身份并扫码、测温,查验 48 小时核酸阴性证明、入校前新冠病毒抗原检测阴性结果和健康码。校外无关人员一律不准进校。

5. 各学校不再开展校内常规核酸抽测,可根据实际需要开展。

6. 当校内学生出现发热等症状时,及时转到健康观察区,由家长接回家进一步诊治,后续情况及时报告学校。有疫情的学校精准划定风险区域,原则上风险区域划定以班级、宿舍为单位,特殊情况下按楼层、楼栋划定高风险区。

7. 返校防疫准备:请家长提前给返校的学生准备好一定量的口罩(包括医用外科口罩和 N95 口罩,每天至少 2 个)、免洗洗手液等个人防护用品。牢固树立“每个人是自己健康的第一责任人”意识,做好个人健康防护。


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Jinan University | Greater Bay  Area |Hong Kong and Macao
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