梦想启航 超越自我 | 广州暨大港澳子弟学校2024-2025学年正式启航!发表时间:2024-09-19 09:18 金秋九月,广州暨大港澳子弟学校(ASJ)2024-2025学年启航。 新学年,“梦想”二字将重新滚烫。每一次拼搏的背后,都有名为努力的故事。在我们追梦的过程,同样也是为了超越自我而奋斗。 In September, the ASJ 2024-2025 school year begins. In the new school year, the word ‘dream’ will be hot again. Behind every endeavour, there is a story called hard work. In the process of pursuing our dreams, we are also striving to surpass ourselves. 2024年9月2日,广州暨大港澳子弟学校举行2024-2025学年“梦想启航 超越自我”开学典礼。 On 2 September 2024, ASJ held the Opening Ceremony of the 2024-2025 school year ‘Dream On Soar Beyond’. 新学年,我校邀请了中国男子田径运动员、杭州第19届亚运会田径男子4x100米接力项目金牌获得者、巴黎奥运会田径男子4X100米接力优秀运动员严海滨作为开学典礼的嘉宾。严海滨同时也是暨南大学的学子,他鼓励ASJ学子将更快更高更强的奥林匹克精神融入日常的学习生活中,实现自我超越。 At the opening ceremony, Yan Haibin, Chinese men's track and field athlete, gold medallist in the men's 4x100m relay event at the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, and outstanding athlete of the men's 4x100m relay at the Paris Olympics, encouraged ASJ students to incorporate the Olympic spirit of being faster, higher, and stronger into their daily study and life, and to realise self-transcendence. 上下滑动查看严海滨分享全文 ▲严海滨与ASJ学子 在ASJ,我们期望每个孩子皆可成才。我们鼓励学子有梦想,梦得大胆一点肆意一点;激励学子要你追梦,追得勇敢一点坚持一点。 At ASJ, we expect every child can be successful. We encourage our students to dream, to dream boldly and recklessly, and we inspire our students to pursue their dreams, to pursue them bravely and persistently. 开学典礼上,ASJ总校长谭日旭和执行校长封岩寄语学子在新学期,要有新开始。“梦想启航,超越自我”,在广州暨大港澳子弟学校这片充满希望的土地上,书写属于精彩篇章。 At the opening ceremony, ASJ Chief Principal Tam Yatyuk and Executive Principal Feng Yan sent a message to the students to make a new start in the new semester. ‘Set sail with your dreams, transcend yourself’, and write a wonderful chapter in the promising land of ASJ. 上下滑动查看校长寄语全文 ASJ秉承全人教育的理念,一直相信每个学生都是独特的蕴含着无限可能的个体,支持他们充分发掘自己的潜能,在自己所热爱的领域有所作为。为了激励更多优秀学子探索无限可能,每年学校设立ASJ“卓越”奖学金,奖学金总额超过200万,奖项设置覆盖学术、科创、体育及艺术领域。 ASJ embraces a holistic approach to education, believing that every student is a unique individual with unlimited possibilities, and supports them in realising their full potential and making a difference in the fields they are passionate about. In order to inspire more outstanding students to explore unlimited possibilities, the school has set up the ASJ ‘Excellence’ Scholarship every year, with a total amount of more than $2 million in scholarships covering the fields of academics, science and creativity, sports and the arts. ▲总校长谭日旭为小学新生入学奖学金、优秀学生和进步学生获奖学生颁奖 ▲总校长谭日旭为初中新生入学奖学金、优秀学生和进步学生获奖学生颁奖进步学生获奖学生颁奖 ▲总校长谭日旭为高中新生入学奖学金、优秀学生和进步学生获奖学生颁奖 梦想是什么?是让我们感到坚持就是幸福的东西。新学期,我们迎来了多才多艺的新同学和新老师,同时也在回顾暑假宝贵经历的时候获得了新的人生体验。 In the new term, we have welcomed new students and teachers who are multi-talented, and we have also gained new life experiences as we look back on the valuable experiences of the summer holidays. ▲赵同学分享其暑期经历,中央广播电视总台粤港澳大湾区之声曾在暑期播出赵同学的暑期经历分享。 ▲在2024年Ivy Cup英语演讲比赛中,G1徐同学荣获铜奖。 ▲在2024年度未来之城夏季展评,ASJ学子斩获多项殊荣,师生分享参赛经历。 ▲ASJ教师用才艺迎接新学年 “梦想犹如阳光,给生命以能量。”开学典礼上,ASJ师生通过宣誓,宣告追梦的开始,接下来,我们将不留遗憾地努力学习。 At the opening ceremony, ASJ students and faculty declared the beginning of the pursuit of their dreams by taking the Pledge of Allegiance, and the next step is to study hard without regrets. ▲师生宣誓 2024年9月2-3日,新学年礼仪与习惯养成营正式开营。开营仪式上,学校学部主任进行了慷慨激昂的动员致辞,总教官也强调了习惯养成的重要性,同学们一个个精神抖擞,齐声宣誓。 On 2-3 September 2024, the new school year's Etiquette and Habit Formation Camp was officially opened. At the opening ceremony, the Director of the school's academic department gave an impassioned mobilising speech, the Chief Instructor also stressed the importance of habit formation, and the students were all in high spirits and swore in unison. |