挥杆致胜 荣耀加冕 | 我校学子在2024年广东省中小学生高尔夫球锦标赛获得佳绩!发表时间:2024-10-31 09:50 ![]() ![]() 2024年10月20日,10位学子代表我校参加2024年广东省中小学生高尔夫球锦标赛,分别获得个人技能赛、个人比杆赛、团体技能赛和团体比杆赛共15个奖项,数量创新高! On 20 October 2024, 10 students represented our school to participate in the 2024 Guangdong Provincial Primary and Secondary School Students' Golf Championships and won a record number of 15 prizes in the Individual Skills, Individual Match Play, Team Skills and Team Match Play competitions! ![]() 2024年广东省中小学生高尔夫球锦标赛由广东省教育厅指导、广东省学生体育艺术联合会主办,是广东省教育系统下的学生锦标赛比赛项目,共吸引了来自广东省各地区共101名中小学运动健儿们参加。 The 2024 Guangdong Primary and Secondary School Students‘ Golf Championships, guided by the Guangdong Provincial Department of Education and organised by the Guangdong Provincial Students’ Sports and Arts Federation, is a student championship competition under the Guangdong Provincial Education System, attracting a total of 101 primary and secondary school sportsmen and women from all regions of Guangdong Province. 获奖名单 ![]() 公开组 女子小学乙组 个人比杆赛 G3 吴同学 一等奖(第一名) 公开组 高中组 团体总分 一等奖(第一名) 公开组 男子初中组 个人技能大赛 G9 萧同学 一等奖(第一名) 公开组 女子小学乙组 个人技能大赛 G3 吴同学 一等奖(第二名) 公开组 女子初中组 个人技能大赛 G8 萧同学 一等奖(第二名) 公开组 男子高中组 团体比杆赛 G11 冯同学 G10 陈同学 一等奖(第一名) G11 苏同学 李同学 一等奖(第三名) 公开组 男子高中组 团体技能大赛 G11 冯同学 G10 陈同学 一等奖(第三名) G11 苏同学 李同学 一等奖(第四名) 公开组 男子高中组 个人比杆赛 G11 李同学 一等奖(第六名) G10 陈同学 一等奖(第七名) 公开组 男子高中组 个人技能大赛 G11 李同学 一等奖(第五名) G11 冯同学 一等奖(第七名) 公开组 男子初中组 个人比杆赛 G9 萧同学 一等奖(第八名) 最佳教练 吴老师 挥杆高飞,勇攀高峰 ![]() 本次比赛的部分选手遭遇到了住宿安排的挑战,由于比赛地点附近的酒店房间已经全部预定满,他们只能选择在距离比赛地点30公里外的酒店入住。这样的住宿安排无疑给选手们带来了极大的不便,他们每天需要提前两个小时出发,以确保能够按时到达比赛场地。比赛日程安排紧密,每天早上6点40分比赛就开始,而选手们通常需要在5点40分就开始热身,以适应比赛的氛围和环境。这样的早起对选手们的生物钟和体力都是一种考验。 ome of the competitors in this tournament encountered the challenge of accommodation arrangements, as the hotel rooms near the competition venue were fully booked and they had to choose to stay in a hotel 30 kilometres away from the competition venue. This accommodation arrangement undoubtedly caused great inconvenience to the competitors, who had to leave two hours earlier each day to ensure that they could arrive at the competition venue on time. The schedule was tight, with the race starting at 6.40am each morning, and the runners usually had to start warming up at 5.40am to get used to the atmosphere and environment. Such an early start is a test of the players' biological clocks and stamina. ![]() ![]() ![]() 此外,比赛本身也十分耗时,几乎每一轮比赛都需要4到5个小时才能完成。这意味着选手们需要在比赛场地上度过大量的时间,等待比赛轮到自己,然后全力以赴地进行激烈的角逐。长时间的站立和专注力消耗,对选手们的体能和心理素质都提出了很高的要求。尽管面临这些困难,但选手们没有退缩,他们积极调整自己的状态,合理安排休息和热身时间,力求在比赛中发挥出最佳的水平。他们的坚持和努力,体现了运动员的职业精神和比赛态度,也为所有观众树立了积极的榜样。 In addition, the tournament itself is very time-consuming, with almost every round taking four to five hours to complete. This means that competitors need to spend a lot of time on the playing field, waiting for their turn in the competition, and then give it their all in a fierce competition. The long hours of standing and concentration exertion placed high demands on both the physical and mental fitness of the competitors. Despite these difficulties, the contestants did not retreat, they actively adjusted their state, reasonably arranged rest and warm-up time, and strived to perform at their best level in the competition. Their perseverance and efforts reflected the professionalism and competition attitude of the athletes and set a positive example for all spectators. ![]() ![]() GOLF ![]() ![]() 在比赛的两日里,吴老师始终坚守在比赛地点,从清晨六点直至夜晚六点,密切关注比赛的进程,同时随时应对可能出现的突发状况。尽管天气炎热,但所有选手都顽强地坚持了下来。 During the two days of the competition, Mr Wu remained at the competition venue from 6am until 6pm at night, keeping a close eye on the progress of the competition and at the same time responding to any emergencies that might arise. Despite the hot weather, all the players persevered tenaciously. 特别值得一提的是,G9萧同学在个人技能大赛中荣获第一名,而G3吴同学尽管比赛时间都在下午,但她克服了种种困难,最终赢得了个人比杆赛的第一名。这一切的成绩,都离不开他们的坚持不懈和努力拼搏。 It is especially worth mentioning that G9 Xiao won the first place in the Individual Skills Competition, while G3 Wu overcame all the difficulties and finally won the first place in the Individual Pole Competition despite the fact that the competitions were all held in the afternoon. All these achievements could not be achieved without their perseverance and hard work. 运动苗圃,体教合一 ![]() 我校实行“运动苗圃”计划,将在体育热土孵化,学生参与其中,在运动和学业上都将获得杰出的成就。注重体教合一不仅在于促进学生全面发展,实现身心健康与知识技能的和谐统一,还是体育教育和学科教育的有机融合、相互促进。 通过“运动苗圃”计划,我校不断促进学生全面发展,为培养具有健康体魄、健全人格、全面发展的新时代青少年奠定坚实基础,为国家和社会的发展注入新的活力。 |