与星共舞,追“星”唤起科学梦想发表时间:2024-10-31 09:53 ![]() ![]() 近日在粤港澳大湾区这片充满活力与创新的土地上,一场精彩纷呈的青少年科普交流活动在我校盛大举行。 本次活动聚焦科学梦想,由中国卫星气象领域科学传播专家曹静教授为青少年们带来了以《追星唤起科学梦想》为主题的知识盛宴。 Recently in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau, a land full of vitality and innovation, an exciting youth science communication activity was held in our school. Focusing on scientific dreams, the event was a knowledge feast with the theme of ‘Chasing Stars to Evoke Scientific Dreams’ brought by Professor Cao Jing, a science communication expert in the field of satellite meteorology in China, to the youth. 曹静教授以自己与卫星的故事为蓝本,为同学们徐徐展开了一幅气象卫星发展的宏伟画卷。从早期人类对飞天梦想的追逐,那些诞生于想象中的神话故事,到勇敢尝试的古人,再到利用火药探索太空的先驱者,每一步都彰显着人类对未知的渴望和对科学的执着追求。 Professor Cao Jing used his own story with satellites as a blueprint to unfold a grand picture of the development of meteorological satellites for the students. From the early human pursuit of the dream of flying, those mythological stories born in imagination, to the ancient people who tried bravely, to the pioneers who used gunpowder to explore the space, every step highlights the human desire for the unknown and the persistent pursuit of science. 在讲述气象卫星的发展历程时,曹静教授详细介绍了从最初的地面观测仪器发明,如1593年伽利略发明温度计、1643年托里拆利发明水银气压计等,到20世纪气象卫星的诞生以及其不断的技术革新。 When talking about the development of meteorological satellites, Professor Cao Jing introduced in detail from the initial invention of ground observation instruments, such as Galileo's invention of the thermometer in 1593 and Torricelli's invention of the mercury barometer in 1643, to the birth of meteorological satellites in the 20th century and their continuous technological innovations. ![]() 其中,我国的风云卫星系列更是经历了从无到有、从小到大、从弱到强的艰难蜕变。从体弱多病的试验星到如今成为世界领先的气象监测利器,风云卫星见证了我国航天事业的蓬勃发展,也彰显了我国在航天领域的大国担当。曹静教授还通过生动的案例和形象的比喻,向同学们阐述了气象卫星在科学研究和日常生活中的重要作用。例如,气象卫星如何像地球的守望者一样,不分昼夜地捕捉风云变幻的轨迹,从而让天气预报越来越准确,帮助我们更好地认识世界、保护我们的蓝色家园。 Among them, China's Fengyun satellite series has gone through a difficult transformation from scratch, from small to large and from weak to strong. From the frail and sickly test star to the world's leading meteorological monitoring tool, Fengyun satellites have witnessed the vigorous development of China's space industry and demonstrated China's role as a great power in the field of space. Professor Cao Jing also explained to the students the important role of meteorological satellites in scientific research and daily life through vivid cases and graphic analogies. For example, how meteorological satellites, like the watchers of the Earth, capture the track of wind and cloud changes day and night, so that weather forecasts become more and more accurate, helping us to better understand the world and protect our blue home. ![]() ![]() 讲座过程中,同学们全神贯注,被曹静教授的热情和专业所深深吸引。他们沉浸在科学的海洋里,对气象卫星的奥秘充满了好奇,对科学探索的热情也被进一步点燃。曹静教授鼓励同学们要以科学家们为榜样,敢于有梦、勇于逐梦,像追星一样追求科学梦想。她强调,每一个科学梦想都如同夜空中的星星,虽然看似遥远,但只要我们坚持不懈地努力,总有一天能够触摸到它的光芒。 During the lecture, the students were fully concentrated and were deeply attracted by Professor Cao Jing's enthusiasm and professionalism. They were immersed in the sea of science, full of curiosity about the mysteries of meteorological satellites, and their enthusiasm for scientific exploration was further ignited. Professor Cao Jing encouraged the students to follow the scientists' example, to dare to have dreams, to pursue dreams, and to pursue scientific dreams like chasing stars. She emphasised that every scientific dream is like a star in the night sky, although it seems far away, as long as we persist in our efforts, we will be able to touch its light one day. ![]() ![]() ![]() 此次科普讲座活动在同学们热烈的掌声中圆满结束。它不仅为同学们带来了丰富的科学知识,更在他们心中种下了科学梦想的种子。相信在未来的日子里,这些种子将在同学们的心中生根发芽,茁壮成长,激励他们在科学的道路上不断前行,为实现我国的科技强国梦贡献自己的力量。 The science talk programme ended successfully with warm applause from the students. It not only brought students a wealth of scientific knowledge, but also planted the seeds of scientific dreams in their hearts. It is believed that in the coming days, these seeds will take root and grow in the hearts of the students, inspiring them to go forward on the road of science and contribute their strength to realising the dream of our country to be a strong science and technology nation. 执行校长封岩女士为曹静教授送上我校吉祥物暨小港和暨小澳,寓意着对曹静教授的欢迎和感谢,同时也寄托着校长对本次讲座能够激发同学们科学探索热情的殷切期望。 曹静教授接过礼物,表示会珍视这份礼物,并将其作为激励自己更好地传播科学知识的动力。 |